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David Gilmour's Jokers Wild played at my 21st birthday party for £25 at Great Shelford school.

April 1963, at the end of a very cold winter, I was the first person to move into Spinney Drive ,No 1 ,just built by Rattee and Kett , purchased by my parents for about £6,000. Subsequently they moved to Church Street, Little Shelford , then Selwyn Close and The Peacocks ,Gt Shelford.

13th May 1966 saw my 21st birthday bash at the Great Shelford School Hall.

My family and local friends were well entertained by ‘Jokers Wild‘ ( £25 I recall ) arranged by my friend Ceredig Davies who was at College with one David Gilmour. We had a great party!

In those days I played rugby on the rec with Shelford Rugby Club, changing at the Peacock pub, opposite the old vicarage, and on Boxing Day a free for all mixed hockey match on the rec.

Happy days.

Bob Tydeman.


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